Press Release - Japanime Games reimagines Kanzume Goddess as Kamigami Battles on Kickstarter this fall!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 10, 2017 – Japanime Games’ competitive deck-building card game: Kanzume Goddess re-emerges as Kamigami Battles: Battle of the Nine Realms, an epic aggressive PVP deck-building card game. Japanime Games is proud to announce a reimagining of one of their original releases with new packaging, new mechanics and updated gameplay. In addition to Battle of the Nine Realms, Japanime Games will release a new stand-alone expansion to the Kamigami family: Kamigami Battles: River of Souls. River of Souls will include brand new artwork featuring Warriors and Disciples from the Egyptian and Babylonian pantheons and myths.

Each edition of Kamigami will be available on Kickstarter this fall, and Japanime Games plans to officially release both titles at Gen Con 2018 after Kickstarter orders have been fulfilled. The Kamigami Battles series will be available through retail and distribution. Should the campaign succeed and meet several stretch goals, Japanime Games’ plans to produce many more expansions based on the endless mythological pantheons from around the world.

Eric Price, President of Japanime Games, had this to say about the release of Kamigami Battles: “Fans have eagerly waited for an expansion to Kanzume Goddess for many years, and we are very excited to bring them new and exciting content. The art for both River of Souls and Battle of Nine Realms is without a doubt some of the best art we have ever produced at Japanime Games.”

About Japanime Games: Japanime Games is dedicated to bringing you the finest games from Japan and beyond! It’s Japanime Games’ goal to import and translate the best games from Asia and bring them to a wider audience. Our games feature some of the finest art that can be found along with engaging gameplay and quality components. For more information about Japanime Games, see
