Press Release – Japanime Digital: Japanime Tabletop Games Coming to Digital Edition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Japanime Games is proud to announce the addition of Japanime Digital, their Imprint dedicated to bringing our tabletop games to a wider, digital audience. 

Conceived to coincide with the release of Tanto Cuore's 10th Anniversary edition, Japanime Digital has been busy working on bringing Tanto Cuore to the digital format as their very first project built from the ground up. "Heart of Crown was released via Steam, in late 2018, and was our original testing ground to see what kind of interest there was," says Eric Price, President of Japanime Games. "The response was excellent, and we're so excited to finally be able to announce this project for the numerous fans asking when we'd be bringing Tanto Digital out! The timing for this new venture comes alongside Japanime beginning work on several new tabletop games based on Japanese video games, which will be announced separately in the coming months. This will be an interesting time for us as a company, merging video and tabletop, in both directions."

Japanime Digital's primary focus is to bring our games from an analog format into a more widely available digital format. Coinciding with the 10th Anniversary of Tanto Cuore, Tanto Digital will also be launching in tandem. Japanime Games is now in a position to not only create exciting, lasting experiences through tabletop games but now opens new doors into new markets with Japanime Digital. The next big project for Japanime Digital is planned as Kamigami Battles. Given the wide catalog of games under Japanime Games' umbrella, Japanime Digital has a wide selection of games to bring to a new format for future projects.

About Japanime Games: Japanime Games is dedicated to bringing you the finest games from Japan and beyond! It's our goal to import and translate the best of the best games from Asia to bring those great games to a wider audience. Our games feature some of the finest art that can be found along with engaging gameplay and quality components. We are committed to great customer service and have hundreds of thousands of happy customers. For more information about Japanime Games, see